Ana-Maria Forsea, MD
Professor of Dermatology
Department of Dermatology
Carol Davila University of Medicine
and Pharmacy Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania

Claus Garbe, MD
Department of Dermatology
Eberhard Karls University
Tuebingen, Germany

Emmanuella Guenova, MD
Vaud University Hospital Center
Chief Medical Officer at Department of
Dermatology and Venereology
Lausanne, Switzerland

Christoffer Gebhardt, MD
Skin Cancer Center
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany

Axel Hauschild, MD
Department of Dermatology
University of Kiel
Kiel, Germany

Christoph Hoeller, MD
Department of Dermatology
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Lidija Kandolf, MD
Department of Dermatology
Medical Faculty
Military Medical Academy
Belgrade, Serbia

Roland Kaufmann, MD
Department of Dermatology
Clinical Center J. W. Goethe University
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Olivier Michielin, MD
University of Geneva
CRTOH Vice-Coordinator,
Head of Melanoma Clinic, HUG
Geneva, Switzerland

Michael Weichenthal, MD
University of Kiel
Department of Dermatology
Kiel, Germany